In-the-Moment Insights from the Moment of Truth
Complete your 360° view of customers.

In-The-Moment and On-Site

The point-of-experience is the culmination of all your sales and marketing efforts, and the final point of differentiation from your compeition. But who is accurately measuring the experience? CIS gets beyond polarized online and mobile surveys to speak with verified real shoppers, diners, and event-goers. We capture the moment as they are in it - for the most accurate representation!


Better data, Better insights

Not only is our data more representative of your real-world shoppers, it's deeper data too. Our trained professional researchers can probe for deeper meaning, note journey paths, capture video via iPads, and much more. Get out of sterile testing environments and get real data from the real world!


Multiple On-site Methods, 1 Goal

We offer multiple methodologies to capture your customers' in-the-moment experiences. Our On-Site 360 program marries a customizable mix of on-site elements to deliver the most accurate, timely, and relevant insights direct from the customer experience (CX).

In-The-Moment: Hosted Customer Surveys

On-site Measures: Observational Research

Get The Details: Shop-Along Interviews

Incognito Site Visits: Mystery Shopping


Our "Secret Sauce": Live Customer Insights, Anywhere

Our footprint sets us apart. We have a local presence across all 50 US states and Canada. This coverage allows us to scale for national businesses as well as regional-market clients. In short, we are already on-the-ground EVERYWHERE your customers are!

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