Posted: 10.29.2018
Welcome to our blog!
At CIS, we believe in authenticity. In that spirit, here are a few ideas to get the most out of your holiday season:
1. Skip the gift card. Yes, it's easier, but it's also completely impersonal. Want to make an impression? Really think about what the person would enjoy from you (maybe something for their hobby, something practical, or even a hand-made card). Don't check a box, give a gift.
2. Be sensitive. The holiday season can be a wonderful time, but it can also bring painful reminders of people not present. Do your best to remember this is someone's first Christmas without Grampa, or Mom, or a cherished pet.
3. Put down the phone. There was a caricature popular in the 1990s of the parent who was videotaping their kid so often that they never looked away from the camcorder eyepiece long enough to really enjoy their child's childhood. Well, that's everyone these days. Take a break from your device, focus your loved ones, and engage in actual conversation. And remember that item #2 above could be talking about you next year.
4. Give back to others. Gifts don't necessarily have to be monetary, either. Collect coats for homeless shelters. Help an elderly neighbor put up her tree. Send care packages to military members who are deployed away from home this year. Invite someone who's single and may not have family nearby to your own holiday dinner.
We wish everyone a safe, peaceful, and joyous holiday season.