The Big Lesson in Star Wars: Put the Characters' Story First


So, the new Star Wars movie is out: The Rise of Skywalker. Did you see it this past weekend? If not, you've likely heard of the opening for the past few weeks now.

You have to admit that there is something different about Star Wars. It's more than just another movie franchise. More than a trilogy. It's even more than the new theme park. Star Wars holds an important lesson in storytelling for today's marketers, salespeople...really anyone looking to tell a compelling story that resonates with large audiences.

Ever notice how much technology there is in the Star Wars universe? Of course you have! Powerful swords made of pure energy, sentient robots partnering with humans to save the day, even interstellar vehicles that make travel in the vast reaches of space seem like a simple matter. They all have a distinctive ’cool factor’, but they’re not what makes the multi-billion dollar Star Wars series resonate with so many people across our own planet.

The characters take the driver's seat in compelling stories, not the technology.

Lucas’ genius in storytelling did not come from a happenstance connection with his audience. It came from knowing what people consider a good story. Just ask him:

"I tried to distill [the mythology stories from across the many cultures of the world] into motives that would be universal...I attribute most of the success [of Star Wars] to the psychological underpinnings which have been around for thousands of years, and people still react the same way to the stories as they always’s the traditional, ritualistic coming of age story." - Empire of Dreams Documentary, 14:04

Like Lucas, those looking to attract and persuade audiences need to seek out the endearing TRUTH about their message. What does your brand stand for in a crowded marketplace of competitors? What gap does your firm bridge? What does following your perscribed action mean to the PEOPLE who will be doing it?

This is where market research comes in. Lucas did his in the books he studied in developing his characters. You do YOUR best research by ENGAGING with your customers. This is where CIS comes in.


Custom Intercept Solutions

At CIS, we facilitate the connection between businesses and customers with in-person, on-site research.

We engage in-the-moment, on-site, in your customers’ native language, with our own fleet of tablets for enhanced communication and easy data collection. You can test products and services, benchmark the on-site customer experience, and even probe to understand the "why" behind their loyalty and patronage. We’ll make you wonder why you didn’t do this a long, long, time ago.

So go see the new Star Wars movie in theaters. Take a minute, though, to learn the lesson that too many fail to see: the FORCE behind Star Wars is the characters, not the tech. Carry that lesson to your corner of the marketplace universe, and let CIS help you put your business into hyperspace.
