Posted: 2015.06.16
Consumer feedback, critiques, and suggestions are vital components to any thriving professional organization. A business that understands what goods and services are the most lucrative and how to efficiently provide those goods and services is a business that is self-investing and self-propelling.
Questionnaires and customer surveys are great ways to gather this information. They're cost effective, can be inclusive or narrow in their scope, and can be tailored to fit a specific clientele.
Standard surveys are usually given after a transaction is complete by prompting customers to log onto a website or partake in a paper survey. While some clients will take the time to complete these surveys, most won't - meaning the data collected will give you a very limited amount of actionable information.
In light of this, point-of-experience surveys are designed to be conducted upon the key idea of social engagement with a client.
Point-of-experience surveys can be disguised as natural dialog, and because they are given during the actual business exchange they produce more robust responses and useable information.
During this timeframe both the seller and the buyer are highly invested and both parties are receptive to the impending business relationship, which means conducting a survey at this time tends to render better results than surveys given after the customer leaves the store.
Point-of-experience surveys also encourage rapport and show the client that the business wants to ensure that they are providing stellar service in the here and now.
If you're looking to get the most of your surveys using advanced technology with a human touch, be sure to contact Custom Intercept Solutions to find out how we can help you today.