What Are the Advantages of In-Store Customer Surveys?

Posted: 2015.05.14

In today's hyper-connected online world, everything is measurable, and customer purchasing behaviour is no exception. While compiling big troves of data might be useful to a certain extent, it's also crucial for businesses to connect with individual customers on a personal level. In-store customer surveys are a powerful solution to develop real actionable knowledge about what's going into your customer's purchasing decisions. We've outlined some of the main advantages of in-store customer surveys below.

Improve communication between you and your customers.

Businesses are constantly coming up with new products and changing existing ones in an effort to improve their offerings. In-store customer surveys offer a perfect opportunity to communicate directly with the customers about what they think of these changes.

Ensure your customers' satisfaction.

It's important for every business to ensure that their customers are always satisfied with the quality of their products and services. In-store customer surveys are effective at collecting this information right from the source in an efficient way. In addition to collecting vital information to better serve them, your customers will appreciate that their satisfaction is being taken into consideration and this will improve their overall view of your brand. Receive positive ideas from customers.

Conducting in-store surveys is also a great way to gather information about what is trending on the ground level. Anyone can say anything on the internet, but getting real information from customers in person is a valuable resource that cannot be replaced. This will allow you to stay ahead of the game and spot patterns and trends which you can implement before your competitors do.

In order to get the most out of it, you need to carefully design your in-store survey and employ trained experts to administrate them. This will encourage customer participation and open lines of communication in a more effective way. To get the most out of in-store surveys, trust the experts at Custom Intercept Solutions.