Posted: 2015.04.28
Even though the big data marketing paradigm is growing at an exponential rate, in-store surveys are consistently the better option for businesses that are trying to collect information about their shoppers. Businesses get the most out of knowing what their customers are thinking about or how they feel right at the moment when they decide whether or not to buy a product (the point-of-experience). That's where in-store surveys shine.
Increased Efficiency
Collecting and analyzing huge amounts of data from all kinds of sources and behaviors does not efficiently get an accurate representation of what business's customers are actually thinking. Surveys that are not taken right at the moment of purchase are also inaccurate. Many customers forget how they felt at the store, as well as why or why not they chose to purchase that particular product.
The Personal Touch
Another problem with big data gathering is that it is impersonal, which leads customers to feel undervalued and simply treated as numbers in a marketing scheme. The human interaction of in-store surveys re-connects the customer with the business, the brand and the product in a way that transforms the modern shopping event from a tedious process into a positive experience.
When interacting with real people during an in-store survey, customers can also ask questions to get a better understanding of the survey, which leads to more accurate results. The information gathered by fully personalized in-store surveys can greatly improve the effectiveness of a business' marketing strategy, and in turn lead to increased sales and profits.
Properly administered and customized in-store surveys have emerged as the preferred method of collecting customer information for businesses all over the world, in sharp contrast to the big data revolution.
For more information on how in-store surveys can help your business, contact Custom Intercept Solutions today.